Sunday, April 17, 2016


 A generation in need!

I had lunch with two young guys last week and was reminded of the extreme lack of positive male role models here in Honduras and unfortunately throughout the world.  Jose is 12 years old; he has a father who lives less than 20 miles away, but he has only seen him twice in his entire life.  Melvin is 18 and has a father that lives on his street, but they have virtually no relationship.  These guys along with countless others in their community are left to be raised by single women without ever being taught how to act and live like a MAN.  Their best example of a man is what they see on TV, hear on the radio or see on the street.  We all know what these portrayals of masculinity entail, fornication, anger, materialism, pride, and selfishness. 

While we ate, I came to find out that Jose has 7 girlfriends who don't know about each other.  I spent the next half hour talking to these guys about respecting women, abstaining from sex and pursuing goals for their lives. 
Yesterday evening I met with a group of guys for out weekly bible study.  Jose was filling me in on his weekend and told me that he had been on the phone with his girlfriend for hours the night before.  I asked him which one and he responded by telling me, "I only have one now Harry, I took your advice."  

Do not underestimate the power of your words.  

Young men across the world are starving for older men to speak into their lives and share authentic wisdom.  I challenge any man out there to stop being lazy and making excuses.  Step up and guide the next generation of men.  
 That may mean, speaking life into your son, a kid in your neighborhood, or even stepping out of your comfort zone and volunteering somewhere like the Boys and Girls Club, Young Life or a local school.... All I know is that young men everywhere are desperate for guidance and as Jesus said:

"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few."
-Matthew 9:37