Thursday, June 9, 2016

Courage in Tragedy

Pablo prepared for weeks to perform at our final school concert.  He was taking the spotlight to sing two songs and was so excited to invite his older brother to come and watch him.  It was a formal event and Pablo's brother, Oscar didn't have anything to wear so he wasn't going to be able to make it.  On Monday, Pablo talked with a friend and was able to get two new long sleeve button up shirts.  One for him and one for Oscar.  With a smile on his face, Oscar promised him that he would be there on Friday night!  

My phone range at 9pm on Wednesday evening.  Pablo was in tears and all I could make out was, "they killed my brother."

I spent most of the night with him, his family and his community as they grieved their loss.  Oscar was 20 years old and expecting his first baby girl.  Pablo spent the next few days grieving the loss of his brother and on Friday night, he showed up and sang what he was living....

Even in the roadblocks, even through the rough spots
When you feel you're giving all that you got
I'm with you in the next step, giving you the next breath
I'll be the voice saying you're gonna make it
When you're out there on you're own
You are never alone
Keep fighting the good fight

Please be encouraged that God is working all around us, even through the tough times.  He is with you and He will give you the courage to continue on.  Lean on Him and not you own understanding.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Robot Sumo, Kingdom Bilingual Education Center

I met Kelly Black at Kings Crossroads church last summer where I was able to share about our move to Honduras.  After the service, she came up to me and told me that she was in charge of the Pitt County robotics team.  She briefly explained to me that she helps her students build robots then compete in sumo competitions.  This teaches them about engineering, design and robotics.  She shared her contact info with me and I left.  When I arrived in Honduras, I met our Science teacher and shared the idea with him which he got very excited about.  I reached out to Kelly to ask for any support she and her team may be able to provide.  They blessed us with amazing generosity by donating all of the equipment and controls for us to build robots for all of the middle and high school classes.  What you see below is the result!  Our students worked for very hard to build these robots and had a blast competing!! We are so thankful to have the support of so many of you as we serve God and the people of Roatan Honduras! 

The championship match!!

Our winners!!!!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Kingdom Bilingual Education Center Olympics 2016

High School winners!

3rd Grade Winners!

Race through French Harbour!

Kindergarten Winners!

7th Grade winners!

Sunday, April 17, 2016


 A generation in need!

I had lunch with two young guys last week and was reminded of the extreme lack of positive male role models here in Honduras and unfortunately throughout the world.  Jose is 12 years old; he has a father who lives less than 20 miles away, but he has only seen him twice in his entire life.  Melvin is 18 and has a father that lives on his street, but they have virtually no relationship.  These guys along with countless others in their community are left to be raised by single women without ever being taught how to act and live like a MAN.  Their best example of a man is what they see on TV, hear on the radio or see on the street.  We all know what these portrayals of masculinity entail, fornication, anger, materialism, pride, and selfishness. 

While we ate, I came to find out that Jose has 7 girlfriends who don't know about each other.  I spent the next half hour talking to these guys about respecting women, abstaining from sex and pursuing goals for their lives. 
Yesterday evening I met with a group of guys for out weekly bible study.  Jose was filling me in on his weekend and told me that he had been on the phone with his girlfriend for hours the night before.  I asked him which one and he responded by telling me, "I only have one now Harry, I took your advice."  

Do not underestimate the power of your words.  

Young men across the world are starving for older men to speak into their lives and share authentic wisdom.  I challenge any man out there to stop being lazy and making excuses.  Step up and guide the next generation of men.  
 That may mean, speaking life into your son, a kid in your neighborhood, or even stepping out of your comfort zone and volunteering somewhere like the Boys and Girls Club, Young Life or a local school.... All I know is that young men everywhere are desperate for guidance and as Jesus said:

"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few."
-Matthew 9:37

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Raise the Roof!

It often rains here for weeks at a time durring the winter.  You and I may never have to worry about having a dry place to sleep at night, but that is not the case for one of our friends and her family of 5.  They live in a two bedroom house with a roof that is litterally falling apart above them.  Her husband continues to patch holes as a temorary fix, but the tin is rusted through and there is no cover on the ridge of the roof.   The rain pours down day after day and they scramble to keep their things dry. 

Our friend works, but it has been very hard for her husband to get jobs in this tough economy.  Roatan has an unemployment rate of 56%.  Our friend makes less than $400/mo and without consistent work, there is no telling what her husband will bring in.  They are amazing people commited to their community and the church.   By carrying some of their burden, they can be even more of a light for Christ in their own community.

Thanks so some generous partners in ministry, are able to provide the materials for the husband to install a new roof this week!!! 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

You are talking about what....??? - Sex Ed

Seventy teenagers were giving me their undivided attention as I shared my heart and testimony of sexual purity.  They were then all challenged to make a commitment before God in that moment to save their virginity for them husband or wife.  With heads bowed, I asked for the blessing, protection, wisdom and strength of the Lord to fill them as they pursue their purity and protect the most physically intimate part of their lives for the one person God has set apart for them.  This was the scene two weeks ago as we closed out our first biblically based sex education class.  

The topic of sexuality is often avoided within Christian circles, especially in Roatan, Honduras.  The Christian schools on the island have never had a sex education class to my knowledge.  The result is young men and women relying on their peers, movies, the internet and other sources of media to explain the changes and feelings they are experiencing in adolescence. Throughout my three years of teaching in Christian schools here I have seen and heard of countless "Christian" teens who have gotten pregnant out of wedlock before the age of 18.  Many of these teens come from great homes and are "educated" but they have not been exposed to any real wisdom on the topic of sex.  They are raised in an environment where more than 70% of the families are broken and sex is viewed as a cheap commodity.

Last week, we held the first Sex education course at my school.  I collaborated with a community doctor and another teacher to put together a curriculum which taught God's design for sex and the risks of having sex out of wedlock.  We are also realistic and talked to them about protections but were clear with the emotional and physical risks and responsibilities that come with having sex.  The students were engaged, asked many great questions, and then asked if we can make this a year long class next year.  I was encouraged by their interest and receptiveness to the wisdom which they received.  We will have one more class to answer any final questions next week.  I pray for God to preserve these young men and women and lead them in strength and wisdom.  If you have adolescent children, please take the time to talk with them about Sex.  They have more questions than you could ever imagine.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

The stench of marijuana, alcohol and sewage filled the air......

The stench of marijuana, alcohol and sewage filled the air as I walked through the community and down the dark path to Bebe's house.  It's not quite the scene you expect to be entering for the first night of a community bible study.  I found Bebe who said that the other guys were coming, but we needed to go get them from the pool hall.  They had just started a game of pool and had already paid and put up their bets.  They threw out a few complaints, but Bebe quickly responded, "hey bra, whats more important, playing pool or learning the bible?"  The other guys quickly put their sticks away and we headed to the house picking up 4 more young men along the way.  After 3 hours of reading scripture and discussing every topic a young man wrestles with, I had to cut them off and say my goodbyes until next week.  God has opened this amazing door for us to have a bible study in the center of one of the darkest places on this island, pray for His light to spread and illuminate the lives of these young men and this community!