Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Discipleship Roatan!

Jesus' final words to His disciples were: "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.."
- Matthew 28: 19-20

The Lord has not only called us to preach the Gospel, but also to make disciples!  As Christians, we often strive to share the message of Christ with the end goal of leading them to accept the Gospel and receive eternal salvation.  This is extremely important to initiate a relationship with God, but many times we leave new believers there and they do not know where to go next so they fall back into their old ways and just live the way they have always known.  It's like giving someone a gym membership who has no idea what to do, then saying "ok, here you are, go get stronger and skinnier...,,". That usually wouldn't work too well.  They may wander around the gym or try to copy a few other people, but ultimately they would probably feel lost and defeated then go home and not return.  They must be taught, they need to know where to begin and how the machines work.

Jesus tells us to make disciples!  He wants us to lead others into a relationship with Him and into a lifestyle of worship to Him!  We are all called to disciple,  we all have something to give! 

We kicked off our discipleship program with the high school boys at our school last Friday!  We will be splitting all of the high school boys into groups of 4-5 with each male teacher who will mentor and disciple them!  So far we have 100% participation from the young men (25 young men).  We will spend time outside of school building relationship with these young men, sharing our lives with them and showing them how to live as Christian men!  Pray for God to be glorified in our time with them and for God to lead us as we lead these young men!  

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